Tags: gym , exercises , home exercises , physio , rehabilitation , sports rehab , flint house , rehabilitation center , Home Rehab Exercises , Rehab Its What We Do
'Running Drills including the following: #High Knees and Heel Flicks #Pogos and Ankling #A-Skips #Carioka #Bounding As always if you get pain or discomfort that you are not comfortable with, please stop and consult a health professional. Connect with us: Visit our website: https://www.flinthouse.co.uk Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/FlintHouserehab YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/flinthouserehab Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flinthouserehab/ Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/424f7bcd02d3/the-prc-newsletter #Rehab #ExerciseAtHome #RehabItsWhatWeDo Disclaimer: The exercises within this video are a reference for patients who have attended The Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House. The exercises have been selected to cover a range of conditions, abilities and should not cause any harm. If you experience any pain during or after starting these exercise, stop immediately and speak to a health professional. Consult a health professional before embarking on any new fitness or rehabilitation programme.'
See also: squat , Class , workout video , instruction , wei , build muscle , Bh , Detlef Soost , ji , legs
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